Facebook Group – Coast to Coast Walk

I was hoping to be able to upload posts, pictures and video to this blog as me and my friend progressed on our Coast to Coast Walk raising money for Mountain Rescue England & Wales.

But however, it simply is not possible…..yet. There are ways and means, mind – but these will prove to be too much of a hassle when out on the move – never mind a permitting mobile phone signal.

So, as a result of this I’ve created a Facebook Group:

Terry & Eion’s Coast to Coast Walk

I understand some people may find this to be somewhat controversial but all you have to do is create a profile, keep the settings set to private and then follow the group. You can always delete your account at a later date.

Of course, if you already have a Facebook account you just add yourself as a member!

Hopefully, not only will you see where we are at on our trek but perhaps feel like you are there on the journey with us. Could give you some interest to while a few minutes away, no?

A consequence of this set up is that whenever we log on we’ll be able to read any words of support. This in itself I’ve no doubt will be good for morale more so on a couple of the days where we are walking 30+ miles.

Feel free to join, all are welcome.

Now back to finishing off the details of the route, gear selection and more…..of which will be in later posts.

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